"It's not wise to wander these halls."
London 1872 and Dr. Gordon Ramsey (Herbert Rudley) is visited by his old tutor Dr Cadmund (Basil Rathbone). Ramsey is to hang the next day for a crime he says he did not commit and Cadmund offers him a way out with a drug he calls the black sleep. A drug that gives all the impressions of death. Thus certified dead, Ramsey awakes indebted to Cadmund, who sets him to work trying to discover a way of curing his wife's brain tumor by experimenting on doners. Doners who may have been less than co-operative in donating...
A gothic horror with actors queuing up for parts including Lon Chaney Jr., John Carradine and Bela Lugosi; even Tor Johnson pops up. Cheap but effectivily atmospheric. By no means a lost classic, but entertaining enough.