AKA Bombsight Stolen.
"You a disciple of Sherlock Holmes?"
Wartime and Mrs Barrington is doing her bit by letting a cottage on her Scottish estate. Due to a mix-up it ends up as home to Ronald (George Cole) an evacuee, a wounded fighter pilot (John Mills), who is recuperating and Charles Dimble (Alastair Sim), an eccentric new tenant. Mrs Barrinton's husband is a famous inventor (Leslie Banks) and holed up in his lab in the main house developing military applications. Unfortunately his last invention was quickly in use by the Germans. The only conclusion is that there is a leak in his staff. Someone is spying for the Germans, but who?
A fine whodunit, with great turns by Cole as a precocious kid with a Sherlock Holmes fixation, who makes a fine foil for Alistair Sim's crumpled and permanently worried eccentric.