"Follow the blood!"
A nice professional couple Stephen (Michael Fassbender) and Jenny (Kelly Reilly), decide to spend the weekend at
Eden Lake, somewhere that Stephen remembers fondly from his childhood. However since then the place has been taken over by young hoodies, and whilst camping at the lake shore, they are disturbed by a gang lead by Brett (Jack O'Connell). From here on the couple are increasingly hassled by the gang, the situation escalating rapidly...
One of those infuriating horror's that make me shout at the screen, when people do plainly stupid things, like hide
in the protagonists bedroom rather than just leave the area! If you can get over such dumbness, then this is an effective horror, due to its believability. Me at the first signs of trouble I would have found somewhere nicer to stay, rather than toughing it out. We are supposed to get angry at the Chavs for ruining the perfect couple's weekend. Me I'm angry at all of them, but especially the young couple, who at the first sign of trouble should have left and gone somewhere nicer. But no, Stephen decides to confront the gang - even after finding out the parents are no better!