"Your driver believed he saw dead men... walking." A young couple Madeleine (Madge Bellamy) and Neil (John Harron) are convinced by new acquaintance Charles Beaumont (Robert Frazer) to get married in his mansion on Haiti. Unfortunately, Beaumont is in love with Madeleine and intends to seduce her. In order to do so he visits Murder Legendre (Bela Lugosi), the local witch doctor, who gives him a potion to transform Madeleine into a zombie. The marriage goes without a hitch, but soon after Madeleine mysteriously dies. Whilst Beaumont and Legendre fight over who will take possession of her, missionary Dr. Bruner (Joseph Cawthorn) is convinced that she might still be alive. A low budget horror that made millions when first released. A fascinating early horror, which is essentially a silent movie. with minimal dialogue.
"you couldn't break a piece of straw." The Blood Ninja gang are out to kill the drunken master. His mischievous student (Johnny Chan) gets caught up in the plot and proceeds to fight against them, helped and hindered in equal measure by a policeman who is determined to arrest drunken kid for misuse of acupuncture! Following on from the success of Drunken Master, we get a watered down version, this time with Jackie Chan obviously unavailable we get a 'chanlite', who does a passable impression, in this passable martial arts fest. The bizarre thing is the sub plot between the policeman and a woman whom he first rescues, then rapes! She then tags along behind him, infatuated and getting in his way?!?A feminist treat this ain't!
"Strange how absorbed man has been in the size of things!" Dr Thorkel (Albert Dekker) is a mad scientist who lures a number of doctors to his South American jungle laboratory. Once he gets their opinion on some specimens he tells them they can return home, much to the scientists annoyance. When they start poking around, Thorkel warns them, but will they listen? Of course not and Thorkel decides to cut them down to size, in his own way! A fun b-movie, full of over sized hazards for the shrunken cast. Directed with verve by the man who brought us King Kong.
"There's something I've been dying to ask you. What's in the basket? " Duane (Kevin Vanhentenryck) comes to New York city looking for some doctors who operated on him when he was a boy. He carries a wicker basket with him wherever he goes. But what's in the basket and why is he so keen on seeing the doctors? An obviously low budget film, which uses imagination to get around the limitations, to make a wonderfully inventive horror. This chucks in everything but the kitchen sink, from comedy to gore.
aka Låt den rätte komma in. "Oskar: Are you really twelve?Eli: Yes. It's just I've been twelve for a very long time." Oskar (Kåre Hedebrant) a bullied 12-year-old boy who finds friendship with Eli (Lina Leandersson), the young girl who has just moved in next door. Becoming infatuated he finds out she is a vampire and their friendship develops in to love, and leads to revenge. A beautifully constructed coming-of-age story with a slow, quiet, unsensational approach, that draws you into the blackly comic tale.
"I saw Tony" Tony Ashby a 15 year old boy seemingly commits suicide, jumping to his death into the sea, but his body is never found. Fast forward eight years and he reappears, or rather someone calling himself Tony arrives. Some of the family are hostile, whilst Simon (Oliver Reed) seems to be more open minded, but is obviously still troubled by events eight years previously. Is this man really Tony, and is Simon trying to send his sister Eleanor (Janette Scott) mad so he can inherit the family fortune? A psychological thriller from the house of Hammer, that develops slowly into a sophisticated shocker, with many a twist and Reed doing his usual evil psycho act.
"I am going to teach you to sing, Christine. I am going to give you a new voice!" A fated new opera opens, but has a run of bad luck, ending in the death of a stage hand during a performance. Then a promising young singer Christine Charles (Heather Sears) disappears. The producer (Edward de Souza) goes in seach and discovers a mystery surrounding the authorship of the opera. Could it be that it was not written by Lord Ambrose D'Arcy (Michael Gough), who claims it as his, but the missing presumed dead Prof Petrie (Herbert Lom)? And could Petrie be behind all the bad luck plaguing the performance? Hammer takes another tried and tested classic and give it their own take, changing the location and much of the story. This version plays up the phantom character as a man pushed to the limit by an unscrupulous man, and a man who we see in a sympathetic way, playing down the horror for pathos.
"Son of a bitch must pay." Trucker Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) witnesses the kidnap of a friends fiancee and decides to help Wang (Dennis Dun) rescue her, along with Gracie Law (Kim Cattrall), amongst others. Unfortunately for all concerned she has been taken by David LoPan (James Hong) an immortal sorcerer, who with the Three Storms, terrorises Chinatown. LoPan has a plan to marry a woman with Jade green eyes, which will enable him to regain his youthful form. A fine mix of martial arts, Chinese magic and a straight up action thriller, centered around the all American hero of Jack Burton, who little realises what he's getting into. A comedy thriller chock full of one liners and action.