
rich and safe (1931)

Aka East of Shanghai
"No sense in being suburban"
A young couple (Henry Kendall and Joan Barry) have hit an inpass in their relationship, but finding out they have an unexpected inheritance, decide to revitalise their marriage by heading abroad for adventure, but find it tests their partnership.
Unusual early Hitchcock, with him experimenting with his editing whilst creating some disturbing humor that plays on the 'there's no place like home' theme.

medusa 2021

"Bad company ruins good morals"
Good Christian girl Mariana (Mari Oliveira) and her friends see promiscuous and sinful lives all around them so by night they don masks and set out to rid their town of such evil. But then one girl fights back and Mariana now scarred starts to question her life.
Stylish but ponderous satire on organised religion, that may test your patience at over two hours.